The New Earth Trilogy, 1Nine years ago, an unknown poison called the “Red” saturated the atmosphere of the entire planet, killing off everyone except a remnant of immune survivors. Jake is a survivor, but the Red has left its mark on him, changing him in strange ways he does not understand. The answers to his questions, however, will not be found inside the gated confines of his small community.Th…
GET HOOKED...For a limited time, #1click The Revenge Artist by Philip Hoy for ONLY 99¢Book One: The Revenge ArtistBook Two: The Dream DiariesBook Three: Evelyn Illustrated"A thrilling race, an inspiring account, a fantastic read! Absolutely recommend!""Gripping""Torturously Entertaining""Truly an amazing book!"…
Getting antsy for your next great Evernight Teen read? It won't be much longer now...Gracie's Time (The Bean Books, 4) by Christine Potter releases August 23rdThe Bigfoot Murders by Megan Gaudino releases August 30th …
Only those willing to love at all costs will be rewarded, and trust me, the pain of heartbreak is so much better than feeling nothing at all. While I want you to pursue love fearlessly and brilliantly, you must never lose yourself in the process. If you remember nothing else, remember this...My dear daughter,As your third birthday approaches, I can’t believe there was ever a time you weren’t on th…